The Life Sharing was produced during 2000 to 2003. The artists shared their computers and all private information was shared to internet. For example the photos , text , software and even email.
It was not just sharing computer’s data but
showed the life of them. When computer and internet became the main channel
connected to the world , it is about our whole life. Our culture , memories and
all things . It completely reflect human’s daily life and the movement of us.
The data became alive and represented a type of interaction between human being.
The photos of screens showed that
human’s life had transformed to other mode and form. Our minds changed to records
and share them from computers. This means a resistance of privacy and the
artists labelled “ Privacy is stupid” on the computers. It showed some
viewpoints about the proprietary resource.
On the issue of “Open resource” Vs “Proprietary resource” , the “Life sharing” is a way to accuse proprietary resource and support the public sharing of information. They used an exaggerate way that shared all the private things without limitation to reflect two viewpoints. They think that computer and internet became important section in our life and we should share our minds and sources freely on the internet.
Hi Easy
回覆刪除Well its clear that you've engaged with most of the topics and works we've covered in the class, and thought about them. That's good! However some posts are more detailed and persuasive than others, and what i'd like to see you work more on is providing more detail, more use of quotes and supporting statements and information to make your arguments stronger and more persuasive